第二届“马中大学生汉语辩论赛”于 2023 年 3 月 25 日圆满落幕!本次赛事由世纪大学、世纪大学孔子学院和海南师范大学联合主办,吸引了来自马中两国共 26 所著名高校辩论队参加。 世纪大学校长阿兹凌教授于闭幕仪式致辞时,向中国驻马来西亚大使馆、欧阳大使、参赛的 26 所大学辩论队、世纪大学孔子学院全体师生,赛事组委会,以及协办本赛事的四所孔子学院表示衷心感谢。他指出,本届赛事的辩题涵盖广泛的领域,两国大学生呈现出精彩的辩论,并为构建两国文化交流做出了贡献。 世纪大学校长阿兹凌教授致辞(中新社陈悦摄) 中国驻马来西亚大使馆欧阳玉靖大使,于闭幕仪式上表达了对两国大学生“促进两国人民民心相通”的希冀。 中国驻马来西亚大使馆欧阳玉靖大使致辞(中新社陈悦摄) 另外,海南师范大学校长过建春教授,亦表达了对中国驻马来西亚大使馆以及世纪大学、各参赛高校、大华科技公司和中国移动国际有限公司等中企赞助单位的感谢,并对两国青年学子表达了赞许和期望! 海南师范大学过建春校长致辞(海南师范大学 韩茂青摄) 经过三个多月的激烈角逐,马来西亚多媒体大学马六甲分校和中国武汉大学分别荣获冠亚军;而季军则由马来西亚国立大学辩论队夺得。欧阳玉靖大使和世纪大学校长阿兹凌教授、副校长斯里库玛教授分别为冠军队、亚军队和季军队颁奖。 欧阳玉靖大使与获奖队合影留念 ( Nur Selina 摄) 欧阳玉靖大使为冠军队颁奖( Nur Selina 摄) 世纪大学阿兹凌校长为亚军队颁奖(中新社陈悦摄) 阮院长与季军合影(中新社陈悦摄) 欧阳大使与赛事组委会合影( Nur Selina 摄) 本赛事得到了中国驻马来西亚大使馆的大力支持,马来亚大学孔子学院、彭亨大学孔子学院、沙巴大学孔子学院和砂拉越科技大学孔子学院的大力协助,还得到了大华科技(马来西亚)公司和中国移动国际(马来西亚)有限公司的慷慨赞助。 世纪大学、世纪大学孔子学院和海南师范大学将继续努力让“马中大学生汉语辩论赛”为中马两国的友好交流做出更大贡献。 中文供稿:王亦琮 英文供稿:安福勇 (世纪大学孔院中方院长) ...
Showing posts from April, 2023
The Closing Ceremony of the 2nd Malaysia-China Intervarsity Chinese Debating Competition
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The closing ceremony of the 2 nd Malaysia-China Intervarsity Chinese Debating Competition was held on 25 March 2023. The competition which was co-organized by Confucius Institute at SEGi University and Hainan Normal University, attracted a total of 26 debating teams from prestigious Malaysian and Chinese universities. In his welcoming speech, Professor Dr. Azrin Esmady Ariffin, the Vice Chancellor of SEGi University expressed his sincere gratitude to His Excellency Ouyang Yujing, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Malaysia and the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia for their continuous support to SEGi University in organizing this event. Prof. Dr. Azrin also congratulated the debaters for their high level of confidence in elucidating their viewpoint on issues related to artificial intelligence, big data, character buildings and natural disasters. The co-organizer, Professor Guo Jianchun, President of Hainan No...
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2023 年 3 月 25 日,借第二届“马中大学生汉语辩论赛” 闭幕式之春风,协办本赛事的马来亚大学孔子学院诺查丽娜副教授和朱丽院长、彭亨大学孔子学院王海艳院长、沙巴大学孔子学院张钦平教授和邓嵘院长和砂拉越科技大学孔子学院周延涛院长访问了世纪大学孔子学院。 五所孔院院长合影留念(王亦琮摄) 院长们就孔院的发展与协作展开交流,相谈甚欢,并互相赠送了礼物作为留念。 世纪大学孔院院长与沙巴孔院院长合影(王亦琮摄) 院长们一同参观了世纪大学校园与世纪大学孔子学院文化展览区,就孔院的工作开展进行交谈。随后,院长们参与了闭幕式并与欧阳大使合影留念。 欧阳大使、阿兹凌校长和斯里库玛副校长与院长们合影( Nur Selina 摄) 中文供稿: Nur Selina; 王亦琮 英文供稿:安福勇 (世纪大学孔院中方院长) 拍摄:王亦琮 修改:安福勇 (世纪大学孔院中方院长) 审稿:阮淑琪(世纪大学孔院马方院长)
Directors of Confucius Institutes in Malaysia visited Confucius Institute at SEGi University
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In conjunction with the 2nd Malaysia-China Intervarsity Chinese Debating Competition held on 25 March 2023, Directors of Confucius Institutes from around Malaysia visited SEGi University as part of their efforts to strengthen the ties among Confucius Institutes in Malaysia. The directors who visited SEGi University were Associate Prof. Dr. Noor Zalina Bt Mahmood and Professor Zhu Li from Kongzi Institute at Universiti Malaya, Associate Professor Dr. Wang Haiyan from Confucius Institute at Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Professor Ts. Dr. Chong Khim Phin and Associate Professor Deng Rong from Confucius Institute at Universiti Malaysia Sabah, and Mr. Zhou Yantao from Confucius Institute at University of Technology Sarawak. During the visit, the directors discussed future events by Confucius Institutes and potential collaborations among the institutes. SEGi University has been working closely with the other Confuci...